Health Care and Public Banks
When the tide turns and the people realize that where their governments — city, county, state, and natl — deposit their tax moneys, is the most important act of government, there will be change.
But unfortunately for the American people, presently, in every city, county, state, and the nation, our tax money is being “loaned” to a private banking monopoly, the Wall Street, “toobigtofail” TBTF banks, whenever our governments ‘deposit’ (aka ‘loan’) our money into these monopoly banks.
You know their names (hint: jpmcboaciti.etal)
Health care is best managed locally with many naturopathic doctors trained in health science that focuses on diet, exercise, and natural remedies, and only infrequently employing the customary Big Pharma drugs.
They avoid centralized solutions to real or perceived viruses, pathogens, and other life-threatening biological agents — whether natural or man-made.
Do recall that during the pandemic the PM of Canada, unTrue-deu, had his government seize the bank accounts of those supporting the anti-mandate trucker convoy that resisted the draconian measures to shut down commerce under the proclaimed “emergency powers”.
In Canada, like the US, the national government is a pig, an overbloated beast, that consumes the vast wealth of its people compared with the provinces, regions, and cities … comparable to our own United States tax allocation of 64% to the national govt, 21% to state govt, 9% to county govt, and a pittance of 6% to your local city government. This by any measure is a pyramid scheme, funneling the vast wealth of the Canadian & American people to a government far removed from the governed, while depriving local government of necessary financial resources.
If we are to be liberated from this debt peonage to the private banking cartel — that oft disguises itself as a public institution — we must empower our local governments to claim the powers associated with collecting taxes, and deposit that enormous wealth in a bank owned by the city, county, or state, and its people, chartered to serve exclusively the economic benefit of all the people in the community it represents. #LocalPublicBanksInstead
Health Care: It’s about the health of the people!
And studies show that the closer the health care professional is to the health care recipient, the better the chances of better health for the patient requesting assistance.
Health care begins with home care, choosing food that is better for you, staying mentally alert, reading, learning, and physical exercise. Writing, being creative in art or sculpture. Taking care of yourself as best you can.
Health care avoids the quick symptom relief drugs & pharmaceutical prescriptions (except when pain is involved) and seeks to determine the underlying cause of disease, exploring natural remedies & common sense changes that will easily improve the patient’s chances of recovery from the ailment.